Opportunity for all

Ethical purchasing policy - suppliers

Statement on preventing human labour exploitation (modern slavery)

Customer service

As you’d expect from an industry-leading organisation like Cox Automotive, we’re constantly striving to be the best at what we do. We’re always incredibly proud whenever we achieve and earn the recognition of our efforts through certifications and membership to organisations, which ultimately support our values. We hold membership to the British Safety Council and of our many other achievements, we’re particularly proud of our certification of:

Health and Safety - ISO 45001

Environment - ISO14001: 2015

Quality Management ISO9001: 2015

Quality Management (Bruntingthorpe) ISO9001: 2015

With a focus on delivering excellent customer service, we’re always working to enhance and increase our offering. As a member of the Institute of Customer Service, we constantly benchmark our performance, engage our employees and raise our standards to consistently give clients the best possible service.

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