Monday, 28 September 2020

Welcome to our Fuel content hub! Thanks for visiting.

The Fuel content hub is the home for all the content produced by the Cox Automotive team – from insight and thought leadership, to interviews and advice.

We’ve made the page really simple to navigate - simply scroll through and click on whatever catches your eye, or use the tags to filter down to the topics you’re specifically interested in.

Whether your interest is vehicle solutions, remarketing, retail, funding, market insights or perhaps you’d like to learn more about what makes Cox Automotive tick, there’s something here for you. And we’re adding new content all the time, so make sure you revisit regularly.

Here are just a few highlights we’d recommend you seek out:


  • Insight Report: our annual market report tackling the industries biggest trends and topics.
  • AutoFocus: our quarterly insight magazine sharing context and insight on only the most important and relevant new and used car topics this quarter. 
  • Market Tracker: a monthly round-up of the latest data, sentiment and analysis of the used car and LCV markets.
  • Mid-month Review: a mid-month ‘temperature check’ on the factors driving the used car market.
  • The Gavel: a monthly review of the car and LCV wholesale markets from our head auctioneers.


  • Fuel/talk: watch or listen to a new conversation every fortnight, where our leaders and specialists share valuable context around our propositions, initiatives, news and areas of expertise.
  • The Fuel/interview: the write up of our Fuel/talk conversations for those who prefer the written word
  • Fuel/five: five new automotive tips, stats or facts every Friday!
  • Opinion and thought leadership: regular blogs from across the Cox Automotive business

Don’t forget to follow Cox Automotive Europe on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook for regular updates.

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Woman looking to the future from the boot of her car
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