Sunday, 28 July 2024
our people

Cox Automotive team members from the UK and Portugal decided to do something a little different for make your mark month – by donating blood.

A small act which can make a big difference, and a great way to give something back.

James Maxwell, Client Support Training Manager at eVA, recently faced his fear of needles and donated blood for the first time at the Leicester Blood Donation Centre.

James also rallied family and friends to raise nearly £500 for Cancer Research UK (CRUK) — an incredible example of his ongoing commitment to making a difference.

Ro Morgan, our Senior PMO Analyst, also saw that there was a national shortage of O negative blood and tried to book an appointment locally to go and donate. Unable to get an appointment, she used her Make your mark Day to travel to Canary Wharf where she could more easily book an appointment. Otherwise, she would have had to wait until October!  

Finally, the team at Manheim Portugal took part in a local Blood Drive which was taking place near their office. Many team members volunteered and donated blood on the day.

Thank you to James, Ro and our Manheim Portugal team members for their incredible efforts. What a great example to show how you can make your mark. 

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