Tuesday, 14 June 2022

We’re pleased to introduce a new addition to our market insight and data outputs. The ‘Market insight: Data Dashboard’ is precisely what it says on the tin – it’s an online data dashboard that provides you with a snapshot of the latest and most important UK market data in one place.

This dashboard – which collates retail, production, and wholesale data from ourselves alongside reputable third-party sources such as the SMMT, Auto Trader and cap hpi – is a first of its kind in our industry.


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Why have we created the dashboard?

Insight has never been more important as it is today. With the industry facing unprecedented headwinds, it helps us all to understand the market dynamics at play and ultimately make better business decisions.
Our aim with the Data Dashboard is to be a one-stop shop for all the key market indicators. The data in this dashboard is available via other channels and sources, but we’re pleased to be able to work with our industry colleagues to bring this data together in a single, easy-to-digest format.

When is the data updated?

We update this dashboard as soon as the latest data becomes available. For some data points this is on a weekly basis, for example the latest Manheim Auction Services wholesale numbers, for others it’s on a monthly or quarterly basis such as SMMT’s registration data or cap hpi’s latest value movements.

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