Friday, 27 November 2020
Cox Automotive

1) On the future of physical auctions

“What we should be doing, as a body, is working together on this… we should work together on what we believe as an industry is the best way to serve our vendor and buyer customers.”

2) On 2021

“I think we will see more used car transactions. If we can get Q1 right and get confidence levels back up, 2021 could be a great year. We just need to ride this year out, be careful in Q1 and not get carried away with ourselves."

3) On government support

“Please sit down and listen carefully to some of the big leaders of the retailers in the marketplace. Look at the contribution we bring, as a business, to the UK economy itself. We know £22.5bn in revenue has been lost this year through to Covid.”

4) On the agency model

“The model has legs… but retailers and OEMs need to come together and work this through… look at how they approach this as a team. They need each other… and both parties can win.”

5) About dealers in 2020

"I’ve been really impressed with how retailers have adapted so quickly and changed some of their models to bring digital retail in… retailers tell me they’re coming out of this as stronger businesses."


You can watch Martin's full interview with Car Dealer Magazine here.

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