Friday, 24 September 2021
Manheim Auction Services
Manheim Vehicle Services
Cox Automotive

1) Best Companies winner

Those of you that follow our social media profiles and news channels may have noticed we recently achieved a top accolade for being an exemplary employer. Cox Automotive was named the fourth-best company to work for in the automotive industry and the 18th best big company to work for in the whole of the UK. From the people that matter – our incredible team members – we reveal the things they told us.

Read more here.

2) University project to SaaS success

The story of how Cox Automotive came to acquire FleetMaster is an interesting one. Not only is it an important step for us to provide customers with a sophisticated a future-proof mobility proposition, but it is also one of how a university data project turned into a multi-national SaaS success. In this blog we take you through that journey.

Read more here.

3) A 33-year Manheim career

Throughout the year we have been celebrating Manheim at 100 by revealing how we became the business we are today through near countless innovations and successes. But even more important are the stories that have been made along the way, so who better to speak to than Adrian Kelly, current Director of Inspections and Assurance Services, who has enjoyed a 33-year long career with Manheim?

Read more here.

4) Getting a grip with vehicle movements

In these days of fast-moving stock, a dealer’s ability to rapidly collect or dispatch a vehicle can mean the difference between having an asset on sale or an empty space. Movex are the specialists at connecting the best transport providers with the people that need them. Here are just five ways they are helping franchise dealers get a grip over their vehicle movements.

Read more here.

5) A vehicle’s secret journey

Every day many of us will pass used vehicles for sale on a dealership forecourt or browse the latest deals online, but have you ever wondered how they get there? We can assure you it’s not magic, but actually a highly complex and technical process that ensures every vehicle is moved, stored, cleaned, and refurbed ready for its next life to the highest standards and on time. In this blog we reveal this secret journey.

Read more here.

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