Friday, 08 January 2021

1) Philip Nothard

If there’s one person you should follow for all the latest automotive commentary and news, it’s Phil. As Cox Automotive Insight and Strategy Director, Phil has his finger firmly on the pulse of the UK market and regularly shares updates from sources across the industry. He also runs Motor Trade Radio, the UK’s only podcast for motor retailers.

Follow Philip Nothard

2) Auto Trader Insight

For retail insights from one of the largest online automotive marketplaces, look no further than Auto Trader Insight. Auto Trader utilise their wealth of data to provide regular stats, infographics and webinars to help you better understand what’s happening in the market.

Follow Auto Trader Insight

3) James Davis

As Customer Strategy and Insight Director (Commercial Vehicles) for Cox Automotive, it’s James’ job to work collaboratively with customers and support them with valuable industry insight. On LinkedIn James provides his views on all the latest industry trends and shares the latest happenings across the Cox Automotive business.

Follow James Davis


The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) is one of the largest and most influential trade associations in the UK. Its resources, reputation and wealth of data place it at the heart of the UK automotive industry. On LinkedIn you’ll find all their latest insight and commentary in an easily digestible format.

Follow the SMMT

5) Automotive news sources

This might seem like a bit of a cop out as it is technically four profiles, but the industry’s dedicated news sources are the number one place to go to keep on top of all the latest headlines. We’d recommend you follow Car Dealer Magazine, Automotive Management (AM), Fleet News and Motor Trader as a start, but there are plenty more out there if you start digging.

Follow Car Dealer Magazine

Follow AM

Follow Fleet News

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