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Thursday, 03 December 2020
Cox Automotive

As we approach the end of 2020 and with the holiday season almost upon us, we would like to update you on our business operating plans for December.

All Cox Automotive business units – Manheim Auction Services, Manheim Inspection Services, Manheim Vehicle Services, Movex, Dealer Auction, NextGear Capital, Modix and eVA Valuations & Appraisals – continue to operate as per the ‘new normal’ established earlier in the year. We have well-established COVID-secure working conditions and procedures in place and all team members who are able to are working from home.

We are continuing to limit customer activities on our sites in accordance with government guidance and local restrictions. The safety and wellbeing of our people and customers remain our priority.

This means Manheim Auction Services’ physical auction programme continues to be delivered via Simulcast. The lifting of national lockdown measures in England does means vendors and buyers can view stock again by appointment, subject to local measures. Please contact the relevant auction centre for more information.

We continue to review these decisions on a regular basis but do not anticipate any deviation from this in the immediate future.

Holiday season opening hours

All Cox Automotive businesses will be closed on Christmas Eve in addition to the usual public holidays.

Manheim Auction Services will remain closed through to Monday 4th January, with a handful of local exceptions for collections, deliveries and payments. Please click here for full details.

All other businesses will be open on the usual working days. Any specific exceptions will be communicated directly by the relevant team members.

For customers requiring vehicle movements over the holiday period, please note the Movex platform will be operational, with a large number of transport providers on standby to accept jobs.

If you have any specific comments or questions, please discuss with your usual point of contact.

Finally, we’d like to take the opportunity to wish you the very best for the closing weeks of the year and a very happy, relaxed and healthy Christmas break.

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